Should Marijuana Be Legal?

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio, the Panel will be discussing Marijuana and if it should legal to smoke. Ever since we can remember, US Citizens have been thriving to have a bill passed making it legal to possess and smoke Marijuana (not just for medical reasons but in general). As we all know, about half of the states in the U.S. have made it legal to smoke Marijuana for medical purposes only. Of course that means you need to make the list of illnesses that would grant you that privilege along with your doctor's approval. As of now, without a medical slip, Marijuana is illegal to smoke or even possess in all states excluding Colorado & Washington State which so far are the only 2 U.S. States to legalize the use of Recreational Marijuana. The question we're asking each other and all of our listeners tonight is "Should Recreational Marijuana be legal in all states?" This will definitely make for an interesting show, so make sure you tune in (especially you Marijuana smokers). To catch the live show by phone dial 347-838-9540 and dial 1 if you have a question or comment for the hosts; otherwise, continue to hold and listen to the live broadcast.