Why Does The Legal System Continuously Fail African Americans?

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: We originally had a totally different topic set for tonight's show, but after the unfortunate chain of events that took place on Monday, November 24th, we HAD to postpone our original topic to next week and cover this tragic event. Officer Darren Wilson faced Indictment for the fatal shooting of 18 year old Mike Brown and after a Grand Jury finished deliberating, they decided not to indict Officer Wilson on any of the charges he faced which included: 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder, Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter. Officer Darren Wilson never faced one day of jail time for gunning down Michael Brown in cold blood after which Mike Brown was left lying face down in the middle of the street in front of the citizens of Ferguson for 4 hours before his body was eventually taken away. If it were a regular citizen that gunned down Michael Brown but claimed "Self Defense" as Officer Darren Wilson claimed, do you think he would've had to face a Grand Jury just to see if he would get indicted, or do you think he would've been immediately arrested, indicted, and would've had to await trial to plead his innocence? Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, and those are just some of the High Profiled Cases. The list sadly goes on and on. The question is when is it enough, and when will justice finally prevail on the black side of the coin for a change? Why are people given a License To Kill Blacks? What is the Justice System going to do to ensure the safety, protection, and well-being of the Black African American and other non-white citizens? These thoughts and views along with plenty of others will strongly and unbiasedly be expressed tonight, so make sure you don't miss out because it's about to get realer than ever on It's Real Talk Radio! Call in # 347-838-9540