Talking Fan Battles with SheBaVixen

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: Tonight on C.B.R. we have SheBaVixen joing us. SheBaVixen is a Publicist for Hype Notes PR. She'll be going head to head with poet, Mz.Cold Hearted Red, in Iron Mouth Battle League's second ever, fan battle on June 20th in Memphis,Tn. Though she is not a rapper, SheBaVixen has worked in the music industry for over 5 years, alongside some of Memphis' most respected and well known artist (Lil P-Nut, Tha Bank, Ify, Drum Squad, Preauxx, etc.). SheBaVixen has been a battle rap fan since high school, where they would battle rap on the hill at the football games. She has been an Iron Mouth Battle League and URL fan since 2013. So when the opportunity presented itself to be a part of a fan battle, she jumped on it. You can get in touch with her or receive updates on her upcoming projects by following @SheBaVixen on IG or Mixtape, Diaries of a Vixen, Chapter 1, coming soon. Call In # 347-838-9540 C.B.R Facebook: