A Nightmare On Bed Bug Street!

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: Tonight we'll be discussing creepy, crawly, itchy, scratchy, blood sucking bed bugs! For starters, if you haven't had the opportunity of being introduced to them, consider yourself lucky! These bugs are becoming a major problem all up and down the entire United States. With air travel being so fluent, and considering luggage is one of their prefered ways of travel, there is no such thing as a bed bug free state. Bed bugs travel in units and they assault with pen point accuracy leaving their victims either not knowing what hit them or in a frenzy. Most victims wake up itchy and scratching their lives away like a dog with fleas. That's exactly what bed bugs are, the human version of fleas only they don't live on you, instead they feed on you and then go back into their hiding spots until it's time for another blood meal again. We'll also be joined by David Wallace of "Discount Pest Control" who is the owner of DPC and an active exterminator in Columbus, Ohio which as of 2014 ranked # 3 in the nation's top cities with beg beg infestations. Here's the link as proof http://time.com/3686257/cities-with-most-bed-bugs/ David will be shedding light on bed bugs and sharing some of his expertise coming from the nation's third most infestated city. There's a lot to cover on tonight's episode with our main priority being "Bed bug awareness" so if you've had bed bugs, know someone or heard a story of someone who's had bed bugs, or know nothing about them at all but want to get educated for just in case purposes, tonight's show is where you need to be tuned in because as always, we're gonna give you the real! https://www.facebook.com/ItsRealTalkRadio