Our Prayers are for Manchester Victims

Europe Calling show

Summary: Nineteen people were first confirmed dead and around 50 injured after a terrorist attack inside Manchester Arena at the end of a teen concert on Monday night Thanks to an EL PAÍS exclusive, citizens learned about the contents of a secret draft “rupture” or “disconnect” law being prepared by Catalan secessionist parties – Junts pel Sí and the anti-establishment CUP – to launch unilateral independence for the region. The President of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont , today sent the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, the letter in which he states that "the essential moment has arrived for the two governments to sit down at the table to discuss." In his letter, Puigdemont says that the government of the Generalitat has "the maximum will to seek a political solution agreed and agreed to meet the demand of the citizens of Catalonia to be able to decide their future." The Supreme Court has ruled that Argentinean soccer star Lionel Messi was responsible for three tax offences. The United Kingdom is not only Spain’s biggest investment destination and the country that provides it with the largest number of tourists; it is also the main customer of the Spanish defense industry. The cost of olive oil in supermarkets is set to soar in the coming months as droughts in the Mediterranean take their toll. A London-bound flight was plunged into chaos when a man was struck down by heat stroke just moments after the plane's air conditioning unit failed - but passengers were still charged £1.80 for a bottle of water. Parents in Rochdale, Manchester, were horrified to discover that all but two of the evil paedophiles were freed early after completing only a portion of their sentences A Daily Mail investigation has found the offensive content shows up in the Facebook news feeds of children as young as 13 after they reveal their insecurities online. Jill Wood, headteacher at Little London Primary School in Leeds, said she is scrapping SATs tests for 11-year-olds over concerns about their mental wellbeing and to ease pressure on them