Slate Money: The Spinning Wheels Edition

Slate Daily Feed show

Summary: Felix Salmon of <em>Fusion</em>, emerging-markets expert Anna Szymanski, and Slate Moneybox columnist Jordan Weissmann discuss:<br><br> -       <a href="">The auto industry as an indicator of a slowing economy</a><br>-       <a href="">Artificial intelligence as the next big innovation</a><br>-       <a href="">Apple’s new headquarters<br></a><br>Check out other Panoply podcasts at <a href=""></a>. <br><br>Email: <a href=""></a><br>Twitter: <a href="">@felixsalmon</a>,<a href="">@Three_Guineas</a>, <a href="">@JHWeissmann</a> <br><br>Production by Daniel Schroeder. <br><br>--<br>Felix Salmon is a senior editor at Fusion.<br>--<br>Anna Szymanski is an emerging markets expert and senior strategy officer at a political risk startup.<br>--<br>Jordan Weissmann is <strong><em>Slate</em></strong>’s senior business and economics correspondent.