17: Blow up the outside world

15 Credibility Street show

Summary: News items: Native islanders in Indonesia mistake a whale carcass for a giant squid. The media just takes their word for it. There was a new report of “Nessie”. It’s ridiculously suspicious. A geologist who promotes a young earth and flood myths is denied permission to do certain research activities in the Grand Canyon. He sues for discrimination. A rain of fish apparently landed on a California elementary school. Shift to doubtful overdrive for this one. The major U.S. UFO research network may be harboring some very ugly social sentiments. Like they don’t have enough issues! The spooky geology rundown features a new and major article on the Stone Tape “theory”. And Sharon receives a comment intended to convince the world about ley lines. Spoilers: It doesn’t. We dissect Bill Nye Saves the World. Does the format work? Is it informative? Is it good science entertainment? Who is the audience? Who the heck’s bright idea was this?