Craig Thibodeau: Tools & Outsourcing – 360w360 E.232

360 with 360 WoodWorking Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>In this episode of 360 with 360WoodWorking we talk again with <a href="">Craig Thibodeau</a> and discuss tools in his shop. He also shares his thoughts on outsourcing, which improves his work and business.<br> Join 360 Woodworking every Thursday for a lively discussion on everything from tools to techniques to wood selection (and more). Glen talks with various guests about all things woodworking and some things that are slightly off topic. But the conversation is always information packed and lots of fun.<br> If you have topics you’d like covered in future episodes, click <a href="">here</a> to send 360woodworking an email.<br> Hobby or Profession<br> Craig tells us a bit about his shop setup and tools that he uses. He even shares ideas on what tools he would like to have but finds still too expensive. During the conversation we learn how he outsources some of his parts so that he can concentrate on what he does best – kind of sounds like woodworking back in the 18th century. We also catch a couple of company recommendations for tools and a great resource for mother-of-pearl inlay banding.<br> If you haven’t joined 360WoodWorking already, <a href="">click here</a> to get even more great woodworking information. You can even give the gift of woodworking knowledge to someone you know, by <a href="">clicking here</a>.<br>