Rogue Podron Mission 4: X-wing Lost Stars

Far Far Away Radio show

Summary: All wings report in! This episode: Chapters 9-12 of X-wing: Rogue Squadron. For Rogue Podron's fourth mission, we discuss how much we want to see Mon Mothma and Bail Organa in Rogue One, assess the first Tycho/Corran confrontation, become totally enraptured by Kirtan Loor, reimagine Lujayne Forge to add some much-needed diversity to the cast and more! Listener Question of the Week: What pranks do you think Rogue Squadron plays on the y-wing pilots? Tweet your answers to @roguepodron or send your stories to Hosted by Meg (show notes), Danny (editor), Saf (social media extraordinaire), and Heath (artwork and social media). NEXT WEEK: We will be […]