295. Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor : Extra Spicy Edition

Lions of Liberty show

Summary: <p>In today's episode, host Marc Clair convenes another edition of "Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor", and adds some extra spice to show by bringing in special guests Johnny "Rocket" Adams of the Johnny Rocket Launch Pad and Remso Martinez of the Remso Republic, along with Lions of Liberty stalwart John Odermatt of "Felony Friday" fame. The crew tosses back a few adult beverages and riff on topics such as: </p><br> <p>- Who are some of their favorite guests they've had on their respective podcasts so far in 2017?</p><br> <p>- Their thoughts on the controversial statements of Libertarian Party Vice Chairman Arvin Vohra regarding the U.S. military. </p><br> <p>- Libertarian gossip involving some friends of the show. </p><br> <p>So grab a drink, kick your legs up and hang out in the Liberty Living Room wth us!</p><br> <p>For show notes head to LionsOfLiberty.com/295</p>