WNL 8-28-12 now archived


Summary: <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/wnl3.jpg"></a><br> WNL returned to the airwaves on Tuesday 8-28-12 on the SNS Radio Network (www.snsradionetwork.com) with “The Outlaw of the IWC” The TreyDawg &amp;<br> “Mr. Money on the Mic”JJ (ALL CAPS) $exay. The boys opened the show talking about their week before bringing on “The Un-Official 3rd Leg of the Tripod” “The Bronx-Father”Tony Mirabella. Bronx recapped mondays edition of RAW and the boys gave their thoughts and opinions on the show. JJ randown the “News of the Week”which erupted in hilarity when JJ talked about Dolph Ziggler getting dumped for being too Athletic in the bedroom and Chyna’s latest porn parody called “Queen of the Ring”.After the final break JJ randown some breaking news involving Brdus Clay’s Funkadactyl Cameron getting arrested on friday for a DUI and JJ gave his thoughts on the current state of the UFC after the cancellation of UFC 151 due to the refusal of Jon Bones Jones defending his championship.JJ read a few emails and opened the phonelines before wrapping with a special “Song of the Night”for The Bronx-Father who apparently watches”The Discovery Channel”on this latest episode of WNL.<br>