Episode 229 - Communication Is Key

The Tesla Tidbits Show show

Summary: AP2 one step closer to parity with AP1, the Tesla data sharing policy is updated, we find another hidden counter in the car, and more. Many thanks to Electrek as the source of all of today's stories. AP2 gets another update - http://bit.ly/TT-E229-1 Data sharing policy update - http://bit.ly/TT-E229-2 Tesla limits charge speed of DC fast charging - http://bit.ly/TT-E229-3 Easter egg shortcuts have arrived - http://bit.ly/TT-E229-4 CARA allegedly hires secret shoppers to test Tesla gallery - http://bit.ly/TT-E229-5 Have a comment or question? Tweet @teslatidbits or send a message to podcast@teslatidbits.com! Support the show! Patreon - http://patreon.com/teslatidbits Show referral link for $1,000 off a Tesla - http://ts.la/andrew1233