Episode 230 - Double the Fun

The Tesla Tidbits Show show

Summary: More details on that battery breakthrough, Tesla is making progress in Connecticut, and we visit the comedy department today. Tesla battery longevity doubles - http://bit.ly/TT-E230-1 Tesla direct sales bill narrowly passes committee, headed for full vote - http://bit.ly/TT-E230-2 and http://bit.ly/TT-E230-2A Hilarious oil baron satire ads - http://bit.ly/TT-E230-3 Shoutout to Ryan McCaffrey and Maggie the Boxer - http://bit.ly/TT-E230-4 Have a comment or question? Tweet @teslatidbits or send a message to podcast@teslatidbits.com! Support the show! Patreon - http://patreon.com/teslatidbits Show referral link for $1,000 off a Tesla - http://ts.la/andrew1233