028: #scarstories with Snez Veljanovska

Show Your Scars show

Summary: Sneź Veljanovska talks about her professional soccer career in Australia and how ACL injuries sparked her interest in physical fitness and performance training. Snez now living in Southern California is working hard to help people become more aware of how they train, eat, and specifically on helping people through the grey area of injury rehabilitation resulting in a less risky return to sport. Connect with Snez below: https://www.instagram.com/snezv/ https://www.facebook.com/snezv Snez's weekly rehab she still completes to help her stay strong and load less on her surgically repaired knee: (consult doctor or physical therapist before performing any activities described) 2x week I will do the following exercises: 3x5 single leg squats 3x5 lateral bound jumps 3x3 barbell deadlift 3x10 glute bridge 5x5 kettle bell RDL Mobility & release work 10 minutes beginning and end of rehab.