THR 5/6/17: Trump's Tax Cuts and Spending Plan

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Economist Larry Kudlow praises Trump’s tax plan on the Michael Medved Show. Mike Gallagher and the Heritage Foundation’s Stephen Moore question whether Trump and the Republicans got steamrolled by the Democrats on the latest budget deal. North Korea expert Gordon Chang talks to Michael Medved about the high tensions on the Korean peninsula and whether the North Korean leader would ever give up his nukes. Retired Admiral James Stavritis joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss China’s navy. Speaker Paul Ryan explains a few of the details of the spending plan on Hugh Hewitt’s show. Dennis Prager looks at the latest example of left-wing hate over a recent New York Times column on global warming. Larry Elder points out the hypocrisy of those who attack Dallas Cowboy’s Dez Bryan for his comments on race relations, but not others. Dennis Prager weighs in on the “tolerant” left who made it impossible for Ann Coulter to speak at Berkeley.