Popzara Podcast Artist Ben Fiquet Talks Remaking Wonder Boy, Animation Love

Popzara Podcast show

Summary: <br> Joining our host Nathan Evans on this handcrafted episode of the Popzara Podcast is Parisian comic and animation artist Ben Fiquet, the talent behind the beautiful artwork adorning Lizardcube’s <a href="http://www.popzara.com/games/game-reviews/wonder-boy-dragons-trap/">Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap</a>, an HD remake of the 1989 game for Sega Master System. In case you hadn’t noticed, Fiquet’s lovingly crafted visuals are pretty show-stopping, perfectly positioned as a colorful antidote to the plastic sterility of modern game design.<br> The two enthusiasts discuss the challenges of bringing a little-seen 8-bit adventure into the modern age, tools of the trade (hint: lots of Adobe products), the growing popularity of French animation, and showing much love for those 2D masters, past and present, helping keep the flame alive. Anyone mentioning David Perry (Aladdin, Earthworm Jim), Arc System Works (Guilty Gear, BlazBlue) can’t be all that bad, right?<br> <a href="http://www.popzara.com/games/game-reviews/wonder-boy-dragons-trap/">Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap</a> is available now for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch (with PC players getting in on the fun this summer). Want to see more of Ben Fiquet’s amazing artwork? Head on over to his official website for tons ‘o fun right <a href="http://www.benfiquet.com/">HERE</a>!<br>