Mr. Rogers Goes To The Salt Mines, England's NHS Caught In Cyber Attack, Cannes

Computer America show

Summary: Both Segments: Computer America presents Technology News. Computer America goes out in search of the latest and greatest computer and technology news. Find stories such as: Cannes Bans Netflix Cannes Film Festival will ban movies that premier and are distributed solely on streaming services, such as Netflix. England's NHS Caught In Cyber Attack Massive cyber attack in 12 countries using the leaked NSA hacking tools cause patient data and records to be compromised. Linux Distributions Coming To Windows Store The Windows Store is seeing an update, and coming with it are a number of Linux OS's that can be purchased/downloaded for ease of use. Mr Rogers Goes To The Salt Mines For anyone not familiar with the lingo. Salt is slang for anger, and harbors many angry people. They will be streaming Mr. Rogers  in it's entirety. And more! Check out for full show notes! This weeks Social Media winner was... Ms Ashley H! Congratulations! New contest going up shortly!