Macron Elected as France's youngest President

Europe Calling show

Summary: A woman who killed two cyclists near Valencia has tested positive for drugs or alcohol. ......The number of accidents on Spain’s non-urban roads involving cyclists doubled between 2009 and 2015: from 1,082 to 2,013. A six-year-old girl has died after a bouncy castle exploded and catapulted her more than 45 foot into the air. Maite Pagazaurtundúa,... presented a study that finds that Spain heads the list of EU nations with the biggest death toll from terrorism: 253. Close to 100 people marched on Saturday outside the Hotel Weare in Madrid to protest a trade fair focusing on surrogacy, a practice that is illegal in Spain. According to Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical bureau, only Portugal registered lower public investment than Spain. The passionately pro-EU politician Emmanuel Macron, 39, has been elected as France's youngest ever president ... Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, warned the fragile bloc could crumble if Britain resists demands for the settlement which, say analysts, has ballooned to around £85billion. In the UK Jeremy Corbyn pledged to 'ruin' the Conservative Party in a speech on Tuesday'. ....and The Labour party has given its strongest hint yet that it will slap tax rises on the middle classes if it wins the general election. This can be set against a report that Britain has more billionaires than ever, according to a new rich list. Primary school children should read books that feature same-sex families, such as Mama Bear, Mommy Bear and Baby Bear, according to a new guide to LGBT-friendly schools.Teachers should also sport rainbow pins to show their solidarity with gay pride, 'parents' day should be celebrated, not just mothers' and fathers' day and parents must ensure that gay history month in observed.