The Strangeness of the Kingdom - The Inside Out Kingdom

Christ Community Chapel (Audio) show

Summary: We all crave to be seen as righteous, seeking approval and acceptance from God and the people around us. The same was the case in Jesus' day, as we see him give examples in Luke 18:9-14 of how two very different people go about trying to gain God's approval. We read first about a man who prayed loudly in the temple, thanking God for making him great and boasting of his good works. Another man, a tax collector and noted sinner, merely bowed his head and asked for God's mercy on him. While it was clear that the first person was a "good man" by society's standards, Jesus said it was actually the "bad" man who went back to his house justified. As we see again and again, the kingdom of God is an "inside out" one where looks can be deceiving. Like the tax collector, we must be willing to come to God honestly, asking for his mercy and recognizing that we cannot save ourselves through our good deeds. The fact is that God loves us even though we are broken, and he sent his son to die for us. When we are willing to accept that Jesus "picked up the tab" for our sins through his sacrifice, we will have discovered the true source of our righteousness in God's eyes.