Training as a Masters Runner: Inteview with Masters Running Record Holder Pete Magill

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

Summary: Pete Magill is one of the most accomplished Masters runners in the history of the United States. He’s the oldest runner to ever break 15 minutes in the 5k, running 14:45 at the age of 49 and he’s not slowing down. Recently, he became the fastest-ever American age over 50 on the roads at 5K (15:02) and 10K (31:11). <br> <br> Peter has been gracious enough to join us on our show today to discuss his training, what’s changed as he’s gotten older, and the principles that have enabled him to keep training hard and racing fast as he gets older. <br> <br> Not only is Pete fast, but he’s a great runner to learn from because “he’s made every mistake in the book.” As he notes during the interview, it’s one thing to learn training principles from a book or research, but making those mistakes and trying the ideas on yourself takes your understanding and appreciation for these ideas to another level. <br> <br> In the interview, Pete specially discusses: <br> <br> The biggest difference change he’s had to make in his training as he gets older <br> <br> <br> The importance of recovery and preventative exercises and the exact routine he uses to stay healthy <br> <br> <br> The approach and some of the specific workouts he’s used to maintain his speed throughout the years. <br> <br> <br> And most important, the lessons he’s learned and the mistakes he’s made along the way that you can learn from. <br> <br> This is one of those interviews every runner should listen to. The nuggets of wisdom Pete shares is like listening to Yoda talk for 45 minutes – it’s simply awesome. I encourage you to take the time to listen on your run, in the car or find the time to read the transcript. I guarantee you’ll learn at least three awesome lessons. <br> <br> <a href="">Training as a Masters Runner: Inteview with Masters Running Record Holder Pete Magill</a>