Alex Dafner Yiddish report 7.5.2017

Hebrew show

Summary: Australian Jewish leaders strongly condemned the new policies of Hamas concerning the rejection of of Israel, establishment of a Palestinian State and differentiation between Jews and Israelis in their armed struggle against Israel, condemning it ... (Australian Jewish leaders strongly condemned the new policies of Hamas concerning the rejection of of Israel, establishment of a Palestinian State and differentiation between Jews and Israelis in their armed struggle against Israel, condemning it as a continuation of the previous violent and genocidal policy of 1988. The British Government rejected the Palestinians call for an apology for the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which was partially responsible for the establishment of Israel and in their letter to the Palestinians reaffirmed their support for the declaration and the State of Israel and called for progress to secure and improve the lives of all in the region via a durable peace agreement. Bicycle raiders from Australia, NZ, UK, Israel and Turkey will participate in the ANZACs 100th Victory Tour in Southern Israel, to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC Light Cavalrys victorious attack against the Ottoman forces at Bersheva, a ceremony that will also be attended by Australian PM Malcolm Trunbull on the 31st October, 2017 and Simultaneously, the bicycle riders will raise funds for Israeli children stricken with cancer and other illnesses. Anns: Saturday May 13 at Kadimah, 7.30pm: STRAUSS/WARSCHAUER DUO IN CONCERT Deborah Strauss (violin, accordion, vocals, dance) and Cantor Jeff Warschauer (guitar, mandolin, vocals) are sweet and soulful performers who draw from klezmer, Yiddish, Hasidic and liturgical music and culture, adding their own original compositions and song settings. Both are longtime members of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, they performed with legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman and late actor and singer Theodore Bikel. Co-presented by the Bund and Yiddish Australia at the Kadimah in Elsternwick, Melbourne. Tickets via: , $40/$35 Kadimah Members Mondays 1.30-3pm a NEW SCHMOOZ GROUP is being held at the Kadimah in Melbourne. If you love to kibits in mameloshen, nu, join Benny (Berish) Rozenzweig, who will lead a new informal Shmooz group at the Kadimah library on Monday afternoons, 1.30-3pm.  )