Upper Intermediate S2 #7 - Your Crazy Italian Hat is Blocking My View!

Learn Italian | ItalianPod101.com show

Summary: Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Erica: Nadia, secondo me non vedrai nulla! Nadia: Hai ragione...tra l'altro non ho mai visto un copricapo più bizzaro, vediamo se riesco a risolvere... Scusi! Spettatrice:…sì? Nadia: Mi dispiace disturbarla, a causa del suo cappello non vedo bene il palco… Spettatrice: Mi scusi, certo, lo tolgo subito!… Nadia: …scusi di nuovo, non vorrei essere scortese, ma adesso non vedo più assolutamente niente, perché la Sua pettinatura… Spettatrice: Forse se si spostasse da un’altra parte la mia testa non le darebbe fastidio! Nadia: Se invece si spostasse lei, tutte le persone qui dietro vedrebbero meglio! Erica: Aprono il sipario! Shh! Silenzio! Ecco i pupi! Inizia lo spettacolo! ----Formal English---- Erica: Nadia, I think that you won't be able to see anything! Nadia: You are right. By the way, I have never seen headgear more bizarre. Let's see if I can solve...Excuse me! Spectator:.. yes? Nadia: I am sorry for bothering you, but due to your hat, I cannot see the stage well... Spettatore:I am sorry, of course I will take it off right now!... Nadia: ...excuse me again, I don’t want to be rude, but now I can't see anything at all because of your hair... Spettatore: Maybe if you would go somewhere else my head wouldn't annoy you! Nadia: On the contrary, if you would go somewhere else all the people here behind would see better! Erica: They are opening the curtain! Shh! Silence! Here are the puppets! The show begins! --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by ItalianPod101.com for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!