292. Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor: Sam Seder, SatanGate, and Letters of Liberty!

Lions of Liberty show

Summary: <p>In today's episode of Lions of Liberty, Marc welcomes in the usual gang of liberty suspects for a return to our oh-so-jovial and booze-fueled fan favorite format, "Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor"! Marc is joined by "Electric LibertyLand" host Brian McWilliams, the "Godfather" Howie Snowdon, and our head researcher and resident legal counsel, the man known simply as "Rico."</p><br> <p>In the show, you'll hear the Lions:</p><br> <ul> <li>Break down Marc's interview with Sam Seder - was Marc's "conversational" approach the right one to take, or should he have been more combative?</li> <br> <li>Discuss the "SatanGate" controversy stemming from the Libertarian Party posting a quote from the Satanic Temple on social media.</li> <br> <li>Answer some "Letters of Liberty" from fans of the show, touching on topics such as - Which states are the least and most libertarian? How do we feel about governments contracting with unions? And more!</li> <br> </ul><p>For full show notes head over to <a href="/LionsOfLibertyPodcast/episode/update/id/Libertarians%20in%20Living%20Rooms%20Drinking%20Liquor:%20Sam%20Seder,%20SatanGate,%20and%20Letters%20of%20Liberty!">LionsOfLibety.com/292</a> and for access to exclusive bonus audion content, join our patron program by becoming a member of the Lions of Liberty Pride!</p>