Underground Cities in Central Asia

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On Thursday August 30th, 2012 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the persistent legend and rumor of Secret Underground Cities ruled by occult masters in Central Asia, Tibet and Mongolia. We will approach this subject from three directions: first the actual Asian source material: Shambalah, Oolamorang and the cave temples of India, second the Theosophic ruse of hiding their Hindu and Sikh masters in Tibet, resulting in a wide-spread Western misconception of Tibetan Buddhism. Third we will look at the confabulated writings of Lobsang Rampa (Cyril Hodgkins) and the German traveler's tale "Darkness Over Tibet" by T. Illion -- which may have influenced Himmler to send Nazi expeditions to Tibet in search of "The Masters". We will consider the more factual and authentic work of Ferdinand Ossendowski, "Beasts, Men, and Gods" and the Mongolian version of Shambalah which he confused with a French author's astral journey to Agartha in India. Finally we will consider the ancient evidence that has recently come to light indicating that some of this speculative, and misrepresented material may have some basis in fact. Behind every myth there is an element of truth -- so tune in and we will set forth like Indiana Jones in search of the remote and the mysterious.