Trump’s Murderous Friends

It's Time To Talk & Act show

Summary: I’m Eric Crossley and in this episode, we look at some of President Donald Trump’s “friends” including North Korean Dictator and mass-murderer Kim Jong-un, who Trump said is a “smart cookie,” and someone who “took over a regime at 27 when his father died…saying it’s not easy, especially at that age.” We look at Kim Jong-un and North Korea’s horrific human rights record and its slaughter of thousands of innocent citizens. Trump also tells us that rather than worry about our health (such as a bad knee or back), we should worry about North Korea. More on the Trump-Russia scandal and how Trump is now saying the huge scandal that involves treason against the United States by Trump officials and maybe Trump himself, is a “phony story.” We look at back at recent Trump praise for the dictator/mass-killer Putin, and more on Michael Flynn and why he may be facing a real “lock him up” soon. Also, more on the Chechnya attacks on gay men and why it is now a dire situation. All that and much more. Please join us!