LOTSL 239 Don’t Judge All Live Theater By “Annie”!

lotsl show

Summary: <br> This time our special guest is DJ Starsage from the <a href="https://tfnpodcast.wordpress.com/">Far Away Nearby Podcast!</a><br> DJ Starsage explains his successful weight loss plan and ideas about eating healthier. Jay has shaved off his beard! Doc Stone honors a friend who has passed. Toppie fears upcoming appointment with his doctor. Brenda and Peter talk about their two days together that included lots of cooking, locked car doors, and shopping with the <a href="http://www.pinkwheelnuts.com/">Fey Driver!</a> We find out what convenience items Brenda does not have in her life. Brenda reveals the final, shocking fate of her guinea pigs!! Peter describes the best cooking pot, ever! Ragu versus ragout! Brenda has some wine. DJ describes a Florida based burlesque act. Brenda still hates literature and musicals!! The subject of audio books comes up. Finally, the LOTSL gang talks about the complications that can stem from writing checks!<br> Call us at 949-41-LOTSL (949-415-6875)<br> Write us at Lifeontheshitlist@gmail.com <br>