214: Should We Get Angry When We’re Labeled Bigots for Our View on Homosexual Behavior?

Theology For the Rest of Us | Quick Answers to the Questions About God and the Bible show

Summary: <br> <br> Contemporary western society is becoming increasingly more hostile towards the Gospel and increasingly more accepting of alternative lifestyles. People who stand for traditional Biblical morality and orthodox Biblical convictions are going to be called all sorts of derogatory names. There is no genre or topic in which this will be more applicable than in the arena of sexuality, especially any topics related to the LGBTQ community. How should Biblical Christians respond?<br> <br> Many people may ask, "Why do you hate gay and lesbian people?" The truth is not that we hate, but rather that we stand for Biblical truth, and God's ideal for marriage and the family. We orthodox Biblical Christians are going to labeled bigots, homophobic, hateful, old-fashioned, oppressive, etc. because we are seen as hating gay men and women. In this episode, Kenny clearly outlines how we ought to respond in those moments, when we are labeled as being bigots. Should we get angry? What should we do?