591: Capitalism Will Kill Us All by 2050

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: You might think that article came from VOX or MSNBC or some other left wing, eco-terrorist website but you'd be wrong. It came from Forbes. A few times each year we see articles like this discussing how capitalism is going to kill all of us and how we need to move to a more "socially and environmentally responsible" economic system. They've been saying the same thing since the '70's. I'm going to break down this article today and discuss why it's bogus. *** In other news, 50% of you don't matter. That's the latest assessment from the boys over at ZeroHedge.com, and I think they basically got it right. The bulk of Americans save nothing, invest nothing and contribute only modestly to the overall growth of the nation. Fed policy centers around propping of the richest and most successful among us. You can cry about that OR... You could just stop being part of the bottom 50%. It's easier than you might think. Just save some money and don't live beyond your means. In a few years, you'll be part of the 50% that 'matter.' I'm of course half joking. (Just half) The truth is government doesn't care about any of us, and the FED is acting in IT'S best interest, not yours. Don't be fooled. Be informed. Jason