HK's minimum wage increased to HK$34.5 per hour

Cantonese show

Summary: The minimum wage in Hong Kong is increased today by HK$2 to HK$34.5 per hour. The rise in the minimum wage has received a mixed reaction from employers and employees. For employers, such as restaurant owners, the introduction of the min... (香港和澳洲一樣,均設有最低時薪。這個最低時薪制度,是用來保障打工仔,尤其是有數個底薪行業的工人,他們的薪酬偏低,如果沒有最低時薪保障的話,他們有機會遭到僱主剝削。碰巧今天是五一勞動節,香港的最低時薪獲得上調。究竟哪些行業的工人最受惠呢?溫楚良和陳小琴在今日的中港快訊裏,談過最低時薪的詳情。  )