160th Anniversary of the Walk to Robe launches this Saturday

Cantonese show

Summary: The 160th Anniversary Commemoration of the Walk from Robe launches this Saturday at Robe, a small fishing port in the south-east of SA.   June Anderson, the Acting President of CCCAV, talks about what is going to be happeing at the... (160年前從中國前來澳洲的淘金者,為了避開要繳交人頭稅,而選擇從南澳 Robe (羅布) 這個小小漁港上岸,再徒步到維州的金礦。   澳華社區議會 (Chinese Community Council of Australia, CCCA) 維州分會舉辦了一個步行壯舉,就是要重踏這條羅布淘金之路,而開幕儀式將於本星期六揭幕!   南澳政府非常之重視,除了羅布市長之外,連州長也會出席。至於這個活動的籌備工作進展如何,溫楚良訪問了澳華社區議會維州分會代主席 June Anderson 女士。   贊助詳情,請參閱: https://registrations.perfectevents.com.au/event/The-Great-Walk-from-Robe-to-Melbourne-Donation-Opportunities)