010 Andy Porter Photographer

Cascade Hiker Podcast - Backpacking and Hiking show

Summary: Andy Porter is a backpacking photographer that loves North Cascade National Park. He holds classes and ultimately, wants to show other how fun it can be to try and capture the backcountry on camera. We talk about how different hiking is when you are trying to get sunset or sunrise photos. Some of his more recent photos to capture are shots that include the Milky Way. Look at the bottom of the show notes to see three of his photos. Check out his blogs at: northwesternimages.wordpress.com Photos and classes are here: andyporterimages.com Facebook Page: Andy Porter Photography Don't forget to shop our Cascade Hiker Hats and Bumper Stickers! @N_CascadeHiking Like our Facebook Page CLICK HERE Check out Whiskey Fever: https://www.reverbnation.com/whiskeyfever The song used in the intro is 'Tall Grass' from their album Wake Up This Whole Town.