3666 I Don’t Want To Be A Pirate - Call In Show - April 26th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:13] – “Given that energy cannot be created or destroyed, does it not make sense that our essence or soul continues after physical death, and can reincarnate to continue the necessary learning process to advance our understanding of the universe and what might be outside of it? In short: Do you believe in reincarnation? And, would you please elaborate on why you do or do not?”<br><br>Question 2: [41:58] – “I believe I've heard you mention that courage is the highest virtue. I'm an Evangelical Christian and as such I would make the case that Biblically speaking love is the highest virtue. If you don't believe that love is the highest virtue, why?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:23:50] – “Being Black and conservative has been a lonely life in my experience. I am 38 now and married, but without children of my own. I was brought up in a 2-parent household with a strong father (God rest his soul) and I was raised not to have children out of wedlock, and to not get involved with any man that had children. I have had many relationships and the only time I had a child I lost him in March of 2015 at 21 weeks and I was married at the time. I still want children and I would like to discuss the underlying issues I have had as a black conservative on why I am having children late. I feel that my conservatism has had a big role in why I have not had a husband nor any children until late in life and would love to expound upon it for it is something that is rarely discussed. Am I doing a disservice now if I want to have children by the time I am 40?”<br><br>Question 4: [1:47:14] – “Stefan and many callers often talk about teaching philosophy to children. I understand that this is possible and desirable and I can imagine that a 12 year old, for instance, can really benefit from more or less formal education in logic. With my own children being aged 3 and 5 currently, I want to ask Stefan about when and how, ideally, an education in philosophy should begin and proceed?”<br><br>Question 5: [2:15:04] – “Recently I read an article written by a feminist in which she states that women should not be permitted to raise their children full-time, because "equality." Since we already know that women overwhelmingly prefer to bring up their children as opposed to working outside the home, the argument seems to be that feminism is not about what women want. What possible value, then, does feminism hold for women, if it sacrifices their real preferences for an ideological objective that makes most women miserable? Who benefits? If feminism is not about what women want, is it not utterly worthless, especially to women?”<br><br>Question 6: [2:37:31] – “I am in a relationship with an incredible woman. She is beautiful, intelligent, virtuous, fun and passionate. She embraces her femininity and respects my masculinity. She supports me in all my endeavors, and relishes being a perfect homemaker. The only problem is that she wants to get married and have children. As soon as I realized that this desire wouldn't go away, I told her that she must proceed with our relationship knowing that those things will never happen. It was very hard for her to accept, but she stayed. The only thing she asked in return was that I keep an open mind. It's been about a year since that conversation, and my opinion regarding children hasn't changed yet I feel her maternal instinct intensifying. It increasingly manifests itself in conversations and daily affairs, and sometimes I can't help but seriously consider letting her go. She's young, but nevertheless she is still on the clock. I love her enough to not deprive her of what I can now see is her greatest value, which is being a mother one day. How can I clear my thinking so I can make the right decision?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate