Could you pass Australia's citizenship test?

Mandarin show

Summary: Most people who become Australian citizens must take a short computer-based test. According to the new policy, the Federal Government wants to test the "Australian values" of those hoping to become citizens. Migrants will also have to be a permane... (特恩布尔总理于上周宣布了入籍政策的重大改革,入籍变得更加困难。 变革内容包括有更严格英语测试,包括读、写和听力;申请人必须以PR永居身份在澳大利亚居住至少4年;入籍考试不及格的次数不能超过3次,三次不通过要等两年重试;并且要认可澳大利亚的价值观等等。 您如何看待这样的入籍政策改革?新移民的父母是否能通过入籍英语考试?如何才能测定对于澳大利亚价值观的认可程度?  )