Less AND More Are Needed to Assess Primary Care – Rebecca S. Etz et al

RoS: Review of Systems show

Summary: On this week’s journal club, David Rosenthal, Audrey Provenzano, and Thomas Kim discuss <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28062812" target="_blank">Less AND More are Needed to Assess Primary Care</a>, which was recently published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine by Rebecca Etz, PhD, Martha M. Gonzalez, BS, E. Marshall Brooks, PhD, and <a href="https://casemed.case.edu/fammed/faculty/Kurt_Stange.html" target="_blank">Kurt C. Stange, MD PhD</a>.<br> The study utilized surveys to assess the lacuna between current quality measures and attributes of high quality primary care, and make the case that as policymakers and payers work to reduce the administrative burden of quality measurement more attention should be paid to measuring domains of high quality primary care.<br> What do you think? How do you know good primary care when you see it? How should the quality of primary care be assessed?<br> Please tweet us your thoughts @RoSpodcast, or drop us a line at contact@rospod.org. And, let us know what manuscripts you think we should look at in journal clubs and who we should have on to talk about their work. We look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for listening!<br>