In Memory of Robert Beatie: National SUICIDE LifeLine: 800-273-8255

The Tony Bruno Show show

Summary: If you, or anyone you know needs someone to talk to, please reach out. There are people out there who care and want to help. Call or Chat 24/7: 1-800-273-8255 or you can chat via Sadly Miss Robin got the news just before the show that her friend, Robert Beatie, took his life yesterday. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a Renn Faire out in California several years ago. Funny, quirky, very talented and full of life. It was easy to see why people loved him and so very hard to grasp how someone like him could take his own life. But that's the problem with depression. It is a secretive and festering disease, often hidden from those around you. Depression has the ability to dim your world so you no longer can see reality. Please, reach out to someone, a loved one, a friend, or the above hotline. Suicide is never the answer. #Suicide #SuicidePrevention