Minicast--Viva los Cupcakes, Viva!

Tamarindo Podcast show

Summary: Luis Octavio sits with Karina Jimenez from Viva Los Cupcakes, and learns how her business got started, what inspires her unique flavors, and he gets a hint for what's to come for FLAVOR OF THE MONTH. Also, Brenda will soon find out Luis Octavio, no le dejo ni una concha cupcake (Goloso). If you haven’t tried the amazing cupcakes from Viva Los Cupcakes, you must! If you live in the LA Metro area, you can always find Viva Los Cupcakes at The Wall on Saturdays (In front of LA Flower Market) and at Smorgasbord LA (Every Sunday in Downtown LA). You can follow Karina on Instagram @vivaloscupcakes and on her website