THR 4/29/17: Trump's First 100 Days Are an "Executive Success"

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hugh Hewitt converses with WaPo's White House Bureau Chief Philip Rucker about Trump's first 100 days as president. The Washington Examiner's Byron York explains why he calls Trump's first 100 days "an executive success" on the Mike Gallagher Show. Larry Elder looks at what could have been if Hillary Clinton had become president. Michael Medved reports on a day of bizarre protest at the March for Science on Earth Day. Dennis Prager provides us with the entertainment of what scientists were saying at the first Earth Day 50 years ago. Michael Medved looks at a negative study about millennials. Hugh Hewitt interviews Johnathan Allen and Amie Parnes, authors of their new best-selling book "Shattered." Dennis Prager deconstructs a deceptive poll regarding Trump's popularity.