How Employees Can Save a Business If They're Allowed & Latest Advice on Dealing with Pain

Something You Should Know show

Summary: Spring brings potholes. And while you try to avoid them, sometimes you cannot. So what is the best way to navigate one? I’ll explain what automotive experts say. Also in this episode, some companies give their workers time off to work on their own projects in hopes it will pay dividends for the company. Is it a good idea? Would it work where you work – or is just a touch-feely idea that wastes time and energy? Ryan Tate, Senior Writer at Wired magazine is also the author of a book called "The 20% Doctrine: How Tinkering, Goofing Off, and Breaking the Rules Drive Success in Business" ( discusses this and why it sometimes pays huge dividends and at other times, fails miserably. Pain is a big problem. Millions of people suffer from chronic pain and have to learn to live with it every day. But views on pain and how to treat it are changing. It doesn’t always have to be about drugs. Here to discuss that is Joe Tatta, Joe is a doctor of physical therapy and author of the book, Heal Your Pain Now ( Joe brings new hope for pain sufferers who want to get past the pain and lead a normal life. There is one trait that every happy couple has, according to psychologist John Gottman. He has been studying couples for over 40 years and written over 40 books on the topic. He says that he has NEVER found a happy couple that did not have this trait – ever. What is it? Listen to see if you have this magical trait. In this episode I mention that I am hosting a live, online podcasting workshop on Wednesday, April 19th. If you or someone you know is starting a podcast, is thinking about starting a podcast or has a podcast that isn’t doing as well you it might, I invite you to be my guest for this live event. For information go to: