The Gospels: A Discussion of the Gods

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: <br> The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth<br> A Discussion of the Gods<br> John 10:30-42; Psalm 82<br> Connect with Us<br> Archived Messages - <a href=""></a><br> Facebook -<br> Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on <a href=""></a><br> Donate -<a href=""></a><br> Prep for Next week<br> <br> Begin studying - Doing the Good Thing - Luke 10:25-42<br> Pray for and look for an opportunity to share the gospel or invite somebody to church<br> <br> Follow-up Discussion Questions<br> <br> Are there any lingering questions from last week’s message?<br> What did you learn about yourselves from this passage?<br> Link to the full article -<br> What are the assumptions and worldview you come to the Bible with? Good? Bad?<br> What is the balance between letting go of your assumptions and not going into “left field” with your interpretation?<br> Why is it important not to let an obscure passage determine your theology? Manuscript found in 1948? Historical and archaeological details?<br> What is the balance between being confident in what we believe and knowing why with remaining humble and teachable when we study the Bible?<br> What is the balance between being able to read devotionals and Christian books and remaining rooted and grounded in God’s word?<br> Why is what we believe (doctrine) important? Apologetics (defending our faith)? <br> <br>