The Gospels: Persistent Prayer

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: <br> The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth<br> Persistent Prayer<br> Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-8<br>  <br> Connect with Us<br> Archived Messages - <a href=""></a><br> Facebook - <a href=""></a> <br> Choose “Emmanuel Baptist Church Roundup” as your charity of choice on <a href=""></a><br> Donate - Click on the “shop now” button at <br> Prep for Next Week<br> <br> Begin studying Persistent Prayer - Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit - Matthew 12:22-37, 43-45; Mark 3:20-30; Luke 11:14-28<br> Pray for an opportunity to invite a friend to church or share the gospel with them <br> <br> Follow-up Discussion Questions<br> <br> What was your view of prayer and these passages prior to hearing this message? Did your view of prayer or these passages change as a result of this message? How so? <br> How can we apply the parable of the friend at midnight to our lives? <br> How can we apply Jesus’ comparison to God being a “good” Father who gives “good” gifts to our Christian lives? <br> How can we apply the parable of the Unjust Judge to our Christian lives? <br> Do you believe that God is able and cares? How does that effect our prayer life?<br> How is approaching prayer as receiving gifts different than approaching prayer as earning things from God? Convincing God to give us things? Creating our reality through our words?<br> How can we help you grow in your prayer life as a church?<br> <br>