U of U Hospital Clinic 1-A: Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Care for 90% of Utahns

The Scope Radio show

Summary: University of Utah Hospital Clinic 1-A provides care for 90% of Utahns with HIV/AIDS and is the only <a href="https://healthcare.utah.edu/infectiousdiseases/ryan_white_program.php">Ryan White</a>-sponsored clinic in the state. <a href="https://healthcare.utah.edu/fad/mddetail.php?physicianID=u0548256">Dr. Claudia Goulston</a> and <a href="https://healthcare.utah.edu/fad/mddetail.php?physicianID=u0035597">Dr. Harry Rosado-Santos</a>, physicians from the clinic, talk about the services it provides for the Utah community and the 1,700 patients it serves. From federally assisted treatment to testing and prevention, they discuss the comprehensive medical home model used to give patients the highest quality in care.