4/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Ronald Reagan slammed through massive tax reform in 1981 and since then progressive Democrats and Republicans have unraveled most of it. We are told tax reform is impossible because the people who lord it over us say so. It is not just the Democrats but the Republicans that love this stuff. We don't support the phony progressive income tax, which is really regressive. These taxes are really just a way to redistribute wealth. The vast majority of us who pay the federal income tax, support a fair tax or flat tax. It doesn’t take long to get to the 50% tax bracket after you add together all the taxes including, sales taxes, property taxes, and others. Yet when you look at the government and most states, they have massive debt. Our tax revenue doesn’t even come close to paying the trillion dollar debt. It seems the more we pay, the bigger the government gets and the less responsive the government becomes. In addition, we have to control spending borrowing and taxing. These are three things the Republican Party wants to stop but never does. We never fight he only time we took it to the left was during Reagan’s presidency. Reagan went over the heads of the media and Congress to the American people and got tax reform done. We allow the left to position the politics of this, but instead should be talking about unleashing our economy. After that, have you noticed conservatives who were Never-Trumpers praising President Trump when he embraces the establishment? Most of these people have revealed themselves as inside the beltway Republicrats. They praise Trump for hiring Reince Priebus, relying on Paul Ryan and relying on liberal democrats like Gary Cohn. Later, Trump is doing everything right when it comes to North Korea. America can’t ignore and pretend Kim Jong-un’s threat about launching nuclear missiles into our country isn't a serious one. Finally, the praetorian guard media is trying to kill the Obama surveillance story as quickly as they can. This is the same reporting you get from the liberal media including, the New York Times, Associated Press and CNN.