SitePoint Podcast #177: Non-Passive Income

SitePoint Podcast show

Summary: Episode 177 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week we have 3/4 of the panel, Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict), Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy) and Kevin Dees (@kevindees). Listen in Your Browser Play this episode directly in your browser — just click the orange “play” button below: Download this Episode You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link: SitePoint Podcast #177: Non-Passive Income (MP3, 32:04, 30.8MB) Subscribe to the Podcast The SitePoint Podcast is on iTunes! Add the SitePoint Podcast to your iTunes player. Or, if you don’t use iTunes, you can subscribe to the feed directly. Episode Summary The panel discuss topics such as Facebook’s Big Data, passive income for developers, and 3 Youtube spotlights! Here are the main topics covered in this episode: googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1328644474660-10'); }); Stripe Blog: Capture the Flag 2.0 How Big Is Facebook’s Data? 2.5 Billion Pieces Of Content And 500+ Terabytes Ingested Every Day | TechCrunch via Essentials of the Online – Chris Trynkiewicz Open Source – Facebook Developers Passive Income Strategies For Web Designers | Smashing Magazine Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at Host Spotlights Patrick: Ghostbuster’s Theme on eight floppy drives – YouTube Louis: What the #$%@ is UX Design? – YouTube Kevin: Flight of Conchords FEEL INSIDE AND STUFF LIKE THAT WITH KIDS – YouTube Interview Transcript Louis: Hello and welcome to the Sitepoint Podcast. We’re back this week with our regular news and commentary show. With me on the show are two-thirds of the regular panel of guests, Patrick O’Keefe and Kevin Dees. Hi guys. Kevin: Howdy, howdy. Patrick: And together we make up three quarters of the hosting lineup. Louis: Now that we’ve dazzled our audience with our ability to do basic fractional math, we can move on to talking about the web. First up, I have to apologize to listeners for the abysmal quality of my audio. My microphone was outputting a lot of static and I couldn’t figure out how to make it stop. I rebooted, I changed the USB cable, I did all the things and none of them worked. So I am recording this on the built in microphone in a laptop which is in a big echoy room, so apologies for that. Patrick: Sorry. I was going to say Kevin even offered his USB cable from Greenville, SC, USA to Louis who’s in Australia. Louis: You know. Kevin: It’s the thought that counts. Louis: Yes, it is the thought that counts. Patrick: It’s the thought. Well maybe one day we’ll have the printers, you know those 3D printers. I’m reading about them all the time now. It seems like there’s more and more videos where they have 3D printers. How far can we be from printing out cables? Louis: It can’t be that far, yeah. Although cable has got, you do metal in at as well. So it might be a little more difficult than just printing out a plastic wrench. Kevin: I have to ask, while we’re talking about technology, before we get too far into the weblinks- Louis: Aren’t we always talking about technology? Patrick: Occasionally. Kevin: Yes. I just heard about this Raspberry Pi thing. When did that come out? I just heard about it today. Louis: It was a few months ago. I have a, one of my friends here at work the lead designer for Flippa is big into physical computing, has been working with Arduino for quite some time. He’s built this code library for Arduino that sort of controls his greenhouse with the humidity sensors and temperature sensors to control the greenhouse. He’s built an open source library to do that. He was really looking forward to the Raspberry Pi when it was announced. There was a big delay in shipping because the demand was pretty high. For anyone who [...]