Gibraltar under the Brexit Spotlight

Europe Calling show

Summary: According to the press Alexander Torshin, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia and investigated in Spain for money laundering, has infiltrated the US president’s circle European guidelines to the Brexit negotiations specifically mention the disputed territory of Gibraltar and provide backing to Spanish demands for bilateral talks with London. Spain’s foreign minister called for calm in the wake of suggestions from the former leader of the UK Conservative party, Michael Howard, that the current British prime minister would be willing to go to war to protect the interests of Gibraltar. The number of Catalans who oppose separating from Spain has grown over the last three months to 48.5%, compared with 44.3% who support secession. More and more residential apartments are being transformed into occasional accommodation in Madrid forcing long-term residents out into the suburbs as they are suddenly priced out of their own homes. A vegan restaurant in the Spanish city of Tarragona, in Catalonia, has been accused of “humiliating” mothers bottle feeding their babies while dining there, sparking an online spat. Don't expect EU free movement to end for at least five years, May warns: PM says there will be an 'implementation period' after Britain leaves Cricketer, Mustafa Bashir, 34, who was spared jail for beating his wife with a bat after telling a judge he would lose a professional contract will have his sentence reviewed A millionaire peer has been clocking in to the Lords to claim hundreds of pounds in allowances, then leaving to give lucrative after-dinner speeches. Digby Jones, former director-general of the CBI, billed the taxpayer £2,400 for attending Parliament on eight occasions in one month.. Dog breeder calls out to his family as he is held in custody after denying letting his bulldogs 'Taser' and 'Kayos' 'go on the rampage and bite two people' before they were shot dead by police A 32-year-old junior doctor who has been found dead at her Devon home once wrote a viral Facebook post about the pressures of working in a hospital emergency department.