The Addicted #126: Hypknotember

The Addicted show

Summary: Tune in this week for more info on the Boston meetup extravaganza in Cypher's living room (just kidding) Something funky happened with my track this week which caused some sync issues. Think I sorted most of it out while editing - hyp The Addicted Episode 126 Subscribe: Addicted iTunes feed Bind on Equip Megafeed Feedburner Feedburner MP3 Find our friends: Bind on Equip Control Alt WoW OotiniCast Intro Music: Quitters go to Meetings This week: Cypher applies himself Hyp cant find the cursor And we plan for hypknotember Hellos and RL: Cypher: Mention you have email access again at the top Fixed up my CV Damage appraised at 800 Hypknotoad: Vegas free drinks? firing range? Czech story can't use banking app Boe mentions wtf is wrong with the cursor Corrections Box / Mailbox: Twitter: Hypknotoad Cypher The Addicted Paranoid @cypher_x @hypknotoad zak patat Jason Etheridge @jasonetheridge @toliman @TheAddictedCast It makes you wonder what @hypknotoad does actually cut out, given what's left in! Rick H @Buggerwow @Cablewasteland @TheAddictedCastJust finished season 3 of Nurse Jackie - highly recommended! Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast For films, cars are technically driving forward but with the body mounted backwards so it appears to be going in reverse. Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast This season of Archer rocks! Want more episodes with Babou! Rick H @Buggerwow @Rrubb Watched the first ep of Housos. Definitely one for @Cablewasteland &@TheAddictedCast. Good call mate!  in reply to @Rrubb Allecia @Allecia13 I have so many podcasts to listen to and not as much time as I'd like to listen to them. LOVING @TheAddictedCast again! Sry been so long! Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast Downton Abbey is amazing. Only seen season 1 so far. Highly recommended. The Wych ‏ @TheWych does this mean that @hypknotoad is really Japanese? Jason Rainwater @nevikjames @TheAddictedCast The lack of Walking Dead talk makes me a very sad Nevik. Hypknotember: Adam @Lexx_Sylveste @TheAddictedCast got the invite to Hypknotember google doc. Now gotta learn how to use it. Money is already being put aside for this trip! Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast Unable to attend#Hypknotember. Relying on @ie_ashli to take pics of guys in various states of undress. Will compensate! ashli @ie_ashli3h @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCastHow much are we talking? =p Tempeste @tempeste @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast@ie_ashli I'm up for that plan! Rick H @Buggerwow @ie_ashli @TheAddictedCast As an added incentive, @cypher_x can be exempt from the photos provided he sets up a webcam in the front room D.A.Leary @new5thpants @Lexx_Sylveste @TheAddictedCast#Hypknotember 2012!!! Adam @Lexx_Sylveste @new5thpants @TheAddictedCast you making the trip DA? D.A.Leary @new5thpants @Lexx_Sylveste @TheAddictedCastaffirmative. me and the wife lady are making the pilgrimage. Neth @Nethwench @Lexx_Sylveste @Buggerwow@TheAddictedCast Becoming tempted to pop over to Boston for a few days so @ie_ashli has female back up. ;) Juuno Korialstrasz @Juunoswow @hypknotoad @cypher_x Yous guys gotsta come to Vegas in Sept...I'll pick you up at the airport! Bring @Aprillian too, okay?? :D Facebook: The Addicted on Facebook In Game: Mail: Rigamorty Episode 19 Donations: Dave McKellar BIG thanks! iTunes Reviews: Our Weeks in WoW: Blizzard lays off 600 employees- only 10% of them from development staff ironman challenge Cypher: Cypher: Back to the grind to gather money for enchants and gems. Rooster: Hypknotoad: Frail: Ran LFR straight into the fall of deathwing final fight. Really easy didn’t watch the video. No loot. some advise from mags Purple: Crooked: Pearlneck: Flacidpnus Paranoid: