The Addicted #128: Naked trouble

The Addicted show

Summary: We're back with another exciting podcast featuring Cypher's John Grisham like experience in the court room, Hyp's run in with naked weirdos in the park and Hyp's naked weirdo toon Pearlneck dancing in SW:TOR! The Addicted Episode 128 Subscribe: Addicted iTunes feed Bind on Equip Megafeed Feedburner Feedburner MP3 Find our friends: Bind on Equip Control Alt WoW OotiniCast Intro Music: Quitters go to Meetings This week: Cypher goes to court Hyp goes streaking And we talk about heroic Dragon soul. Hellos and RL: Cypher: iPhone headphone button. Skullcandy 50/50 Jury Duty Hypknotoad: On subject of headphones I got a set too! Soundmagic E10m Massive amounts of Mass Effect 2 and a little 3. Park yesterday naked dudes kicked out Corrections Box / Mailbox: Twitter: Hypknotoad Cypher The Addicted Paranoid Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast Ep127: Hyp: "I had to do something at 9:00 which involved money..." @hypknotoad's not gay, he's a ho! Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast @cypher_x Do whatever you have to do #homeland is so worth watching! Jason Candelaria @Continuumm_PoH @TheAddictedCast Cypher, while you can do a lot here in Alaska. I am pretty sure the use of rocket powered explosive are frowned upon. Jason Candelaria @Continuumm_PoH @TheAddictedCast lol "Huge Action" I swear that's what you said instead of Hugh Jackman in ep. 127 Tempeste @tempeste @hypknotoad No not even when quoting !! It will never happen again! Wowfan from EU @altwowEU @cypher_x i made a char on Jub'eithos, take 1 guess what his name is ;) Wowfan from EU @altwowEU @cypher_x well, it's actually Klompen, but i'll count Klompin good too :) Jason Rainwater @nevikjames @cypher_x You wound me sir. No interest in Diablo III at all? ;_; Juuno Korialstrasz @Juunoswow @cypher_x @hypknotoad For clarification..I'll pick you up from airport AND put you up at a strip hotel for 2-3 days! U have to stay on the strip when you stay in Vegas, eh! For the complete experience. Atlantic City's for noobs, btw...hehehe ;) @cypher_x @hypknotoad Maybe one of these years! Why do you have to be on the East coast, Cypher??? ;) Facebook: The Addicted on Facebook Daniel A. LearyThe Addicted 3 hours ago near Saint Paul, MN so the normally TV-free leary picked up his wife an iPad and netflicks streaming this weekend. guess who stayed up till 2AM on a monday watching _Spaced_? thanks for the lead! what a great great show. bet hyp's exfilmstudent/bum is a fan. heck, i like to imagine him in the cast. here's a clip of some relevant content. (don't miss the tears in pegg's eyes during the ewok celebration. lol'd) Star Wars Spaced Moments Just a small compilation of the moments in the British series Spaced, where they reference Star Wars. The DVD set is now available in Canada and the US and I... Mail: Donations: iTunes Reviews: Our Weeks in WoW: Cypher: Cypher: Finished up world explorer. Pandas. Rooster: Hypknotoad: Frail: Purple: Crooked: Pearlneck: Flacidpnus Paranoid: Back to raiding. Heroics? Our Weeks in TOR: Cypher: Been doing space missions on my gunslinger to try to level... Started to spend more time on my Jedi.  Still working on the starting world. Brought him into the guild.  still listed as a recruit. Enjoying the mechanics... at the early levels it gives a good feeling of being the badass Jedi.  Love force jumping into a group, doing a group stun them cutting them down with a few swipes on my practice saber. Like that the Jedi ideals fit in storywise with how I usually play rpgs. Really liked the bit where you build your first lightsabre. almost lvl 12 Hypknotoad: Entertainment: Movies: Cypher: John Carter Forgettable 3D