The Addicted #135: Brand new Cadillac

The Addicted show

Summary: This week Hyp's thumb gets worse and Cypher goes car shopping with some helpful advice from Hyp. Oh and we talk about WoW etc.   The Addicted Episode 135 Subscribe: Addicted iTunes feed Bind on Equip Megafeed Feedburner Feedburner MP3 Find our friends: Bind on Equip Control Alt WoW OotiniCast The Overlores Shattered Soulstone Hypknotember Doc Intro Music: Quitters go to Meetings This week: Cypher goes up against the wall Hyp Revisits old wounds And we find out what that window tastes like. Hellos and RL: Cypher: Roger Waters: The Wall. -Amazing show.  As much a theatrical event as a rock concert.  Briliant opening sequence with a plane that crashed through the wall with flames and fireworks.  Giant inflated puppets of the school teacher etc... Video integration. New Car: Rik Morris @hypknotoad @cypher_x go for the Nissan Cube please! zooexhibit @zooexhibit @cypher_x @hypknotoad as a podcasting rockstar shouldnt you get a ferrari or a porsche Ross Copeeco @TheManbone @hypknotoad @cypher_x @zooexhibitWow, I thought the Irish economy was bad, but I never imagined it was that bad. Are they really cars? Gareth Harvey @GingerNinja @cypher_x you dont need normal brakes thats what a hand brake is for :-) or you could get an ex army hummvee lol Hypknotoad: Old wounds: Corrections Box / Mailbox: Twitter: Hypknotoad Cypher The Addicted Paranoid Jason Etheridge @jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast You have to wait until the end of your story to become a Jedi Master. But wow, do you earn it! :) Jason Etheridge @jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast You don't like our new@OotiniKnights guild name, Cypher? :( Jason Etheridge @jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast I got the datacrons via the ballon trip on both my JKs. Only screwed up the jump once... :/ Jason Etheridge @jasonetheridge @TheAddictedCast You'll get your way-cooler-mobile one day, Hyp. One day. Oh, and remind me to use masterlooter on future raids. Facebook: The Addicted on Facebook In Game: Mail: Our Weeks in WoW: Cypher: Cypher: New titles  Window Licker Rooster: Hypknotoad: Frail: Purple: Crooked: Pearlneck: Flacidpnus Pnusport: Paranoid: Our Weeks in TOR: Cypher: Hypknotoad: Entertainment: Movies: Cypher: Haywire 2011 Director: Steven Soderberg (Oceans 11 series, Traffic.) Actors:Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor A woman works for a private company that contracts with the government to do black ops gets used as a scapegoat and has to go rogue to clear her name and uncover the real villain. -It’s a bit slow and convoluted. There are some good action scenes that remind me a bit of the Bourne series. Weird telling of the story as a flashback as she recounts the tale to a stranger who gives her a ride.  Overall I would say don’t go out of your way to see it. Hypknotoad: TV Shows: Cypher: True Blood: Lafayette goes voodoo on Sookies car. Bill and Eric at Fangtasia. Eric releases Pam Pam forbids Tara from hurting herself Alcide lies to the Pelts Sookie tries to confess to Jason. Sookie gets drunk and screws Alcide. Andy and Jason go to the fairy strip club? The Authority discover a traitor in their midst. Bill and Eric decide to use Sookie to find Russel. Weeds: spoilers Nancy gets shot in the head. On the way over why is there no one putting pressure on the wound? Most of the ep takes place in the hospital. Funny stuff with her roommate. Food, vagina weight. Hypknotoad: Games: News: Cypher: Spider Man. Great swinging through the city except for the occasional cloud webbing.  Combat seems to be based on the Batman series-  Attack and dodge, build combos to use takedowns.  Movie spoilers. Bullet time. May be short. Hypknotoad: Thanks for listening.