The Squad Room Episode 001: Hello, My Name Is…

The Squad Room show

Summary: We’ve finally made it to episode 1 of The Squad Room Podcast! Thanks for coming by the site. If you’ve already listened to the episode, you’ll find links and information below.<br> Today’s guest in this inaugural episode is Traver Boehm. Traver will be a frequent guest on the show and contributer to the entire project. He is my “coach” for this project. He’s not just a personal trainer, and more than a “life coach” – because I really hate that term. “Life coach” ugh. But think equal parts Tony Robbins, Tony Horton (the P90x guy) and George St.-Pierre (he even looks like him) and you’re getting close.<br> If you found this first, here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:<br> <br> * How pissing my pants was the inspiration for starting this podcast. True story.<br> * The goals of The Squad Room podcast and blog<br> * How My Fitness Hit Rock Bottom<br> * My introduction to my coach, Traver Boehm<br> * Traver’s history as a professional MMA fighter, bodyguard, and coach<br> * Why you can’t start any program without an honest self-evaluation. You’ll hear mine, and it’s embarrassing!<br> <br> Traver is the co-owner of <a href="">Crossfit Pacific Coast</a> and <a href="">Gravitas Performance Lab</a>. Learn more about him <a href="">here</a>.<br> Traver is a former professional MMA fighter, and college-level water polo player and swimmer. Traver graduated from Boston College with a B.A. in Philosophy and Asian Studies.  Not surprising since he spent much of his childhood living in Japan. He then enrolled in the masters degree program at Yo-San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and halfway through the program, while looking for a way to cross-train in preparation for MMA fights, discovered CrossFit Los Angeles, Andy Petranek and his team of world-class coaches.<br> For Traver, CrossFit was the answer to the myriad questions that were left lingering about his own fitness – even after reading countless fitness magazines, getting certified as a personal trainer and continuously developing his own workout routines. He has studied under coaches such as Mark Rippetoe, Jeff Tucker, Bob Takano, Tony Blauer, and countless others.<br> When he’s not checking in on Garrett to get him off his ass, he’s usually near an ocean swell or a jiu-jitsu mat.<br> I want to reiterate that this is not a CrossFit podcast. This podcast covers all aspects of optimizing the lifestyle, health and wellness of peace officers and first responders. For Traver and me, the method of physical conditioning we’ve found that’s most effective for us is CrossFit. But, that is by no means the only option, and it’s not the only methodology we’ll explore here. But, it does come up…a lot.<br> If you don’t currently “do” CrossFit, you probably have some preconceived ideas. Just keep an open mind. But, if you’re here and reading this, I’m guessing that won’t be a problem for you.<br> Please leave a review on iTunes about the show. I want to hear your comments. As always, shoot us an email at to reach us.<br> Thanks, and stay safe!<br>