Ep 12: Change is Hard and I’m Being a Baby About It

The Squad Room show

Summary: Change is hard…duh, right? <br> But when you’re trying to change a lot at the same time, I think it’s easy to get down on yourself for not seeing progress in all areas instantaneously. Even as a relatively sane and independent thinker, I think I’m subconsciously persuaded by all the marketing that I should have succeeded by now. I haven’t. Not by a long shot.<br> I want 6 minute abs…but it isn’t going to happen. Damn. So now what?<br> In this episode, Traver joins me and we talk about why change is hard, and what my obstacles to overcoming them. As I listened back to this episode, so many at first glance seem external. Meaning, I can’t control these factors, things like shift work, physical exhaustion from working in this current heat wave, cognitive fatigue from long shifts…I could go on.<br> However, I’m realizing that even those are somewhat self-imposed. We also talk about how, as a parent, my social circle accepts and even encourages a lack of fitness. We all understand each other and we’re tired, so no one is whopping my ass out of bed to hit the gym. That’s why we all need a coach, and though he’s not hovering over my pillow barking at me at 0600 to get my ass up, he’s as close as I’ll get to that motivation.<br> In this episode we discuss:<br> <br> * My experience this week with responding to my first “11-99 Officer Down” call.<br> * The obstacles to change and why it’s hard.<br> * The importance of treating yourself like a high-level CEO<br> * Using schedules to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness<br> * Basic home WOD’s for people who don’t have time to get to the gym.<br> <br> In this episode, I reference an excellent book called <a href="http://amzn.to/1iJOx5u">“The Obstacle is the Way”</a> by Ryan Holiday. It’s an excellent book on overcoming adversity, and a good primer on <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism">Stoic philosophy</a>, something I’ve talked about before. Another excellent read is <a href="http://amzn.to/1iJONRP">Resilience by Eric Greitens</a>, a former US Navy Seal, Rhodes Scholar, Humanitarian and current candidate for Governor of Missouri.<br> Take care of each other and stay safe.<br>