Ep 13: Mobility, Stability and Your Front Butt w/ Dr. Steve Politis

The Squad Room show

Summary: Dr. Steve Politis has more acronyms after his name than anyone else I think I’ve ever met. So, you know he’s smart. But don’t just take it from me. Here they are:<br> Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)<br> Fellow of Applied Functional Science (FAFS)<br> Fellow of American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT)<br> Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)<br> Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)<br> Phew…<br> Steve, er…Dr. Politis, was kind enough to come on the show and let me barrage him with questions about how police work and being a member of law enforcement affects your body, and what can we do to prevent some of that damage. It’s a great episode, and I walked away with all sorts of actionable lessons.<br> We cover a lot of ground and you might want to grab a notepad.<br> <br> * What are his opinions on CrossFit and what he’d like to see added to the WOD’s<br> * What are the biomechanic issues faced with being a police officer<br> * Why your traditional running style is slowing you down, and why POSE running is getting popular<br> * The importance of your anterior chain and WTF is your front butt?<br> * How stability is sometimes lost in the efforts to seek mobility<br> * Too ice or not too ice<br> * How the vest and belt will affect your mobility and likelihood of injury<br> * The importance of ankle flexibility and why it might be causing your neck problems<br> * What your stretching routine should look like pre and post-workout.<br> <br> We touch on <a href="http://www.mobilitywod.com/">Dr. Kelly Starrett</a>, a well-known PT in the CrossFit world. I’ve been using Starrett’s book <a href="http://amzn.to/1L0LikE">“Become a Supple Leapord“</a> since it came out to help relieve a lot of the chronic issues we deal with. A new edition of the book just came out too. Steve has a very similar mindset to Kelly about how to treat and mend the body. In fact, I’ve posted a few of Starrett’s videos below specific to police work and you’ll see that Steve and Kelly line-up in their recommendations.<br> This video from Kelly on his <a href="http://www.mobilitywod.com/">mobilitywod</a> project is a great one for us – and it happens to have another famous podcaster as the test subject. <a href="http://fourhourworkweek.com/blog/">Tim Ferris</a>, author of the <a href="http://amzn.to/1VmFBPq">4-Hour Workwee</a>k, <a href="http://amzn.to/1L0LArM">4-Hour Body</a>, and <a href="http://amzn.to/1L0LwIG">4-Hour Chef</a> assists Kelly with demonstrating some stretches you can do throughout your shift.<br>  <br> And another great one on dealing with all that time we spend in the car.<br> Steve has already agreed to come back onto the show so please send us your questions. I’d love to get the listeners involved. Email me at squadroompodcast@gmail.com<br> As always, thanks for listening! Stay safe!<br>